Project 4S

Chapter 4 - Simulation

Download from the course website, and answer the following eight questions from the end of Chapter 4. The readme file that comes with the simulator will be very useful as well.

Note: Write up your answers using whichever text editor you wish, but ultimately submit your answers as a pdf called project4s.pdf.

  1. Run with the following flags: -l 5:100,5:100. What should the CPU utilization be (e.g., the percent of time the CPU is in use?) See if you can guess first, then use the -c and -p flags to see if you were right.

  2. Now run with these flags: -l 4:100,1:0. These flags specify one process with 4 instructions (all to use the CPU), and one that simply issues an I/O and waits for it to be done. How long does it take to complete both processes? Use -c and -p to to confirm your answer.

  3. Switch the order of the processes: -l 1:0,4:100. What happens now? Does switching the order matter? Why? (As always, use -c and -p to see if you were right)

  4. We’ll now explore some of the other flags. One important flag is -S, which determines how the system reacts when a process issues an I/O. With the flag set to SWITCH ON END, the system will NOT switch to another process while one is doing I/O, instead waiting until the process is completely finished. What happens when you run the following two processes (-l 1:0,4:100 -c -S SWITCH_ON_END), one doing I/O and the other doing CPU work?

  5. Now, run the same processes, but with the switching behavior set to switch to another process whenever one is WAITING for I/O (-l 1:0,4:100 -c -S SWITCH_ON_IO). What happens now? Use -c and -pto confirm that you are right.

  6. One other important behavior is what to do when an I/O completes. With -I IO_RUN_LATER, when an I/O completes, the process that issued it is not necessarily run right away; rather, whatever was running at the time keeps running. What happens when you run this combination of processes? (-l 3:0,5:100,5:100,5:100 -S SWITCH_ON_IO -c -p -I IO_RUN_LATER) Are system resources being effectively utilized?

  7. Now run the same processes, but with -I IO_RUN_IMMEDIATE set, which immediately runs the process that issued the I/O. How does this behavior differ? Why might running a process that just completed an I/O again be a good idea?

  8. Now run with some randomly generated processes using flags -s 1 -l 3:50,3:50 or -s 2 -l 3:50,3:50 or -s 3 -l 3:50,3:50. See if you can predict how the trace will turn out. What happens when you use the flag -I IO_RUN_IMMEDIATE versus that flag -I IO_RUN_LATER? What happens when you use the flag -S SWITCH_ON_IO versus -S SWITCH_ON_END?